Error message
Warning: Undefined variable $state_label in enisaweb_preprocess_node() (line 444 of /var/www/html/lib/themes/enisaweb/enisaweb.theme).Scope of the Working Group
The scope of the ad hoc working group was to advise and aid ENISA in developing a European Cybersecurity Skills Framework, which permits a common understanding of the roles, competencies, skills and knowledge used by individuals, employers and training providers across the EU Member States. Furthermore, to raise awareness by identifying those gaps in the cybersecurity landscape that can be bridged with the creation of a common European Cybersecurity Skills Framework.
Composition of the Working Group
In July 2020, ENISA launched a call for an Ad Hoc Expert Group on Cybersecurity Skills Framework with the aim to promote harmonization in the ecosystem of cybersecurity education, training, and workforce development and to develop of a common European language in the cybersecurity skills context.
The ED DECISION No 55/2020 of the Executive Director of 5 November 2020 has established the ad-hoc group and the lists of selected candidates for membership.
This AHWG completed its mandate with the successful delivery of the ECSF and its user manual.
List of appointed Members
First Name | Surname | Affiliation |
Agata | BEKIER | Dow |
Vladlena | BENSON | Cyber Security Innovation Partnership Aston University |
Jutta | BREYER | Breyer publico consulting and CEN expert contracting |
Sara | GARCIA | INCIBE - Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute |
Markku | KORKIAKOSKI | Netox Ltd |
Csaba | KRASZNAY | National University of Public Service |
Haralambos | MOURATIDIS | Stockholm University and University of Brighton |
Christina | GEORGHIADOU | Eurobank Cyprus |
Edmundas | PIESARSKAS | L3CE |
Nineta | POLEMI | University of Pireaus |
Paresh | RATHOD | Laurea University of Applied Sciences Finland |
Antonio | SANNINO | Procter Gamble |
Fred | VAN NOORD | Van Noord Consultancy |
Richard | WIDH | Ancautus AB |
List of appointed Observers
First Name | Surname | Affiliation |
Nina | OLESEN | European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO) |
Jan | HAJNY | Sparta - pilot project of the research competence network |
For any question or information please contact: euskills (at)